Changing cash for Indonesian rupiah will give you the best exchange rate. Withdrawing cash with your debit or credit card is not as good , due to the charges and also only small amounts can be drawn out at one time. Many cash machines only allow a maximum of 2,500,000rp (approx AUD250) at one time , so this means additional charges each time it is used.
Beware of unscrupulous money exchanges offering, super good rates, there is usual a charge , or sometimes a magic hand! Ask your Hotel or Villa manager for a trusted reputable company close by ☺
There are many ceremonies happening every month all around Bali. It’s a beautiful religion which celebrates everything ☺ Please note sometimes roads in the tourist areas can be closed due to this. Enjoy the visually exciting and colourful events and treat them with the up most respect , try not to get to close with cameras etc and bare skin is also not very respectful so keeping out of the way in swimwear is a must ☺
Observers are cheerfully welcomed but please do not interfere. Try and learn some phrases in Bahasa Indonesia while you are here, the words for thank you are always gratefully appreciated,’ Terima Kasih’
In regards to riding a motorcycle, this is the most popular mode of transport in Bali , its always a great way to see the sites, and end off down the little roads which lead to the most interesting of places. Its also allot easier to park a bike than a car , and the roads can be quite congested so having a bike , means getting to places quicker ☺ It is a legal must to wear a helmet ! and also allot safer to do so ☺Please note its good to carry an international driving license if stopped , and be super aware as the Green Cross Code does not really exist here ☺ , but people drive slow, are patient and its always good to beep the horn just to make people aware of your presence ☺)
Take care & Be Aware
With being abroad you are in a foreign country not your own , respect the laws and be polite and careful and you will be fine.
Have fun , enjoy the sun and the Balinese and Indonesians will help you enjoy your stay , as tourism is the biggest income here , so they want to make you happy so you come back 😉
Tips for that first time in BALI ………………
Airport Porters – Don’t worry these guys are super friendly , and they are not trying to rip you off , they will only charge you 10,000rp per piece, they are super helpful and will get your luggage with ease to your transport , this is super handy after a long flight if you have children and surfboards to contend with ☺)
TAXI – Please note when you arrive if you do not have transport out of the Airport there is a reputable Taxi company where you can pay upfront and not have to Bata for a cheaper price. This service is better than the independent pricing out of the airport and you will not get ripped off. We can also assist with booking drivers so please do not hesitate to ask as we have some great good English speaking drivers.
TAXI NUMBER Local – Blue Bird is the best taxi service, very reliable and trustworthy company 0361 72 11111
The Culture – Respecting the culture is very important, when you visit the local community and temples, make sure you cover your shoulders and legs, sometimes you may want to get into the culture, and wear a sarong held up by a sash , which is tied around the waist , Ladies cannot enter temples when menstruating and you will see offerings all around, some will be on the floor to appease the devils and ones at a height are to appease the Gods, the culture is very grateful for all the things around us and many days will be in celebration of these and ceremony’s will be held.
Nyepi – This is a day usually around March which is Silent day , so if you have booked a holiday for around this time, please be prepared as there is one day where you will not be able to go out of your villa or hotel . It’s a truly amazing time , where they build Oga Ogas and have dancing ceremonies in the streets to scare the devils away , and then the following day is a day of silence and barely any light, so as the new spirits pass over they are unable to see Bali , and will hopefully pass over , also apparently if you have alcohol in your system the Bad spirits will definitely not land in you , so many of the locals enjoy the local spirit called Arak.
PLACES TO EAT – Beat Magazine free if you can grab from any where.
PLACES TO GO OUT – Beat Magazine ( )
HAIR & SPA FACILITIES – Glo Day Spa, Manik, Rob Peetom – there are many in Bali but we get discounts on these ones so please contact us for more details, these are all western run and have very good reputations.
SUPER MARKETS – There are many great super markets – Carrefour ( › … › Bali › Kuta › Things to do in Kuta), Pepito ( many just ask for the closest), Bintang super market ( › … › Seminyak › Things to do in Seminyak) , Canggu Deli ( › Groceries, nappies and necessities) Bali Deli (, Food Mart ( Many ask for the closest one , very similar to Pepito)
SHOPPING TOURS- We work with some great drivers which will take you around the shops of your choice, i.e, the shopping mall’s, the surf out lets and even the furniture shops, let us know what you fancy.
SCENERY TOURS – We work with many company’s which can take you around Bali, up to the mountains and to see the beautiful scenery of Bali.
BEACH INFO – Kuta Beach – Surf Beach ( can be very crowded), Brawa & Canggu – Surf Beach ( not for swimming), Sanur – Quieter than Kuta beach ( better for swimming)
EMERGENCY HOSPITAL – Siloam Hospital, located on the Sun set by pass. 0361 779911
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